Syslog database

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Syslog database

Post by rJIaB »

Fresh installation of Cacti (1.2.10), fresh installation of syslog plugin
#service rsyslog status
● rsyslog.service - System Logging Service
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/rsyslog.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Tue 2020-04-21 15:52:39 MSK; 1min 18s ago
Docs: man:rsyslogd(8)
Main PID: 5282 (rsyslogd)
Tasks: 5 (limit: 4660)
CGroup: /system.slice/rsyslog.service
└─5282 /usr/sbin/rsyslogd -n

Apr 21 15:53:23 cacti rsyslogd[5282]: ommysql: db error (1054): Unknown column 'date' in 'field list' [v8.32.0]
Apr 21 15:53:23 cacti rsyslogd[5282]: The error statement was: INSERT INTO syslog_incoming(facility_id, priority_id, program, date, time, host, message) values (5, 3, 'rsyslogd', '20200421155323', '20200421155323', 'cacti', TRIM(' The e
Apr 21 15:53:23 cacti rsyslogd[5282]: action 'action 8' (module 'ommysql') message lost, could not be processed. Check for additional error messages before this one. [v8.32.0 try ]
Apr 21 15:53:23 cacti rsyslogd[5282]: ommysql: db error (1054): Unknown column 'date' in 'field list' [v8.32.0]
Apr 21 15:53:23 cacti rsyslogd[5282]: The error statement was: INSERT INTO syslog_incoming(facility_id, priority_id, program, date, time, host, message) values (5, 3, 'rsyslogd', '20200421155323', '20200421155323', 'cacti', TRIM(' actio
Apr 21 15:53:23 cacti rsyslogd[5282]: action 'action 8' (module 'ommysql') message lost, could not be processed. Check for additional error messages before this one. [v8.32.0 try ]
Apr 21 15:53:23 cacti rsyslogd[5282]: ommysql: db error (1054): Unknown column 'date' in 'field list' [v8.32.0]
Apr 21 15:53:23 cacti rsyslogd[5282]: The error statement was: INSERT INTO syslog_incoming(facility_id, priority_id, program, date, time, host, message) values (5, 3, 'rsyslogd', '20200421155323', '20200421155323', 'cacti', TRIM(' ommys
Apr 21 15:53:23 cacti rsyslogd[5282]: action 'action 8' (module 'ommysql') message lost, could not be processed. Check for additional error messages before this one. [v8.32.0 try ]
Apr 21 15:53:23 cacti rsyslogd[5282]: ommysql: db error (1054): Unknown column 'date' in 'field list' [v8.32.0]

Looks like a cacti database was not prepared for syslog
Syslog tables are created automatically when you create the cacti database, or do they need to be specially created somehow?
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Re: Syslog database

Post by TheWitness »

You violated two rules. You hijacked another syslog thread, and by posting this, you double posted.
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